WHITE NIGHTS Artists' Watercolours Metal Set - 21 Full Pans
These are the premium watercolour range from Russian manufacturer, NEVSKAYA PALITRA, and are excellent value. Many of the colours are single pigment and most are strongly pigmented.
This set includes 21 full pans in a metal travel palette:
253 Aureolin, 201 Cadmium Yellow Medium, 228, Indian Yellow, 206 Ochre Light, 216 Golden, 315 Orange, 226 Titian Red, 309 Red Ochre, 302 Cadmium Red Light, 319 Carmine, 313 Madder Lake Red, 365 Venice Purple, 621 Quinacridone Violet, 513 Azure, 511 Ultramarine, 508 Cobalt Blue, 524 Indanthrene Blue, 713 Emerald Green, 745 May Green, 408 Burnt Umber, 801 Lamp Black
Pans are semi-moist and rewet easily. Large pan size is good for access, especially if you use a larger brush.
Once a pan is empty you can replace with a new pan (available seperately) or fill the empty pan with any of the artist tube paints (and allow to dry for 5-7 days). Full pan volume is approximately 4mL.
Pans are white plastic and inidividually wrapped in a foil label. As you unwrap each pan, write the name of the pigment on the outside of the pan with a permanent marker.
Paint can also be diluted with WHITE NIGHTS Medium.