ROSEMARY & CO Reversible Pocket Travel Brush - R24 - Eradicator Small (4.2 x 6.15mm)


ROSEMARY & CO Reversible Pocket Travel Brush - R24 - Eradicator Small (4.2 x 6.15mm)

Sale price$33.95

ROSEMARY & CO is a family run business in England that makes these fantastic travel brushes for watercolour artists.

Here's a great friend to the watercolor artist. The ROSEMARY & CO eradicator is a synthetic flat brush to help you correct mistakes.

With your work barely damp (not wet), hold the brush in a vertical position and drag the flat edge firmly back and forth over the 'mistake' and then quickly clean brush with a paper towel, before repeating process again. Rinse brush after 2-3 uses and dry before starting again.

Good quality watercolour paper will withstand the erasing process ... as long as it is not too wet or the user too heavy handed!

Each brush is housed in a stainless steel case that you reverse out to make the hande of the brush and then close back up to protect the hairs when not in use.

Size measurement is brush head diametre by brush length (mm).